Sat. Jun. 8, 2024 7p.m.

Concert Hall

  • Runtime

    140 mins total, includes 20 min intermission

  • View Details

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Elijah Reimagined

Patrons are requested to silence cell phones and other electronic devices during performances.

The taking of photographs and the use of recording equipment are not allowed in this venue.
Program order and artists are subject to change.

Terms and Conditions

All events and artists subject to change without prior notice.

All ticket prices are subject to change based on demand. Purchase early to lock in prices and the best seats!

This event is an external rental presented in coordination with the Kennedy Center Campus Rentals Office and is not produced by the Kennedy Center.


  • Eugene Rogers, conductor

  • Caitlin Lynch, soprano

  • Antona Yost, mezzo-soprano

  • Norman Shankle, tenor

  • Will Liverman, baritone

  • Abraham Latner, treble

  • University of Michigan Chamber Choir

  • Children’s Chorus of Washington
    Margaret Nomura Clark, director

  • The Washington Chorus & Orchestra

  • Camilla Tassi, projection designer

ElijahFeliz Mendelssohn (1809 – 1847)

Part 1


Part 2

Meet the Artists

Program Text


The following movements will not be performed this evening: 6, 7, 15, 35, 36, 40, and 41.






The Washington Chorus Leadership

Board of Trustees  

Anthony Salvi-Exner, Executive Director, Ex-Officio 

Donald J. Borut, Treasurer 

Peter Clunie

Bradley L. Cullen
Louis R. Cohen

Taylor Cortright 

Jeri Darling 

Catherine French, Past Chaiman

Nancy Ortmeyer Kuhn, Chorus President, Ex-Officio

Paul Lee

Lisa McLane 

Kara Morrissey, Board Chair 

Eugene Rogers, Artistic Director, Ex-Officio 

John Shakow 
Andrew Teie

Sam Zhao, Secretary 


Knight Kiplinger, Chairman Emeritus 

Dianne Peterson, Executive Director Emerita 


Eugene Rogers, Artistic Director

Dolhathai Intawong, Associate Conductor

Nathan Lofton, Associate Conductor

Wei-Han Wu, Pianist


Anthony Salvi-Exner, Executive Director 

Emma Moores, Deputy Director

Fátima Orozco, Development Director

Eric J. Rubio, Director of Finance and Administration

Robert Schroyer, Director of Production
Jennie Weyman, Communications Manager

Staff for the Concert Hall

  • Theater Manager
    *Allen V. McCallum Jr.
  • Box Office Treasurer
    Deborah Glover
  • Head Usher
    Cathy Crocker
  • Stage Crew
    Zach Boutilier, Michael Buchman, Paul Johannes,
    April King, John Ottaviano, and Arielle Qorb


*Represented by ATPAM, the Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers.

Steinway Piano Gallery is the exclusive area representative of Steinway & Sons and Boston pianos, the official pianos of the Kennedy Center.

iatse 868

The box office at the Kennedy Center is represented by I.A.T.S.E, Local #868.

iatse 22   iatse 772   iatse 798

The technicians at the Kennedy Center are represented by Local #22, Local #772,  and Local #798 I.A.T.S.E., AFL-CIO-CLC, the professional union of theatrical technicians.

Thank You Supporters

Millennium Baton

Rachel and Tim Burns

The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

The Clark-Winchcole Foundation

Commission of Fine Arts

DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities

The Kiplinger Family Foundation

National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs

The National Endowment for the Arts

Platinum Baton


Jharry and Alice Breed

Louis R. Cohen

Daphne Kiplinger and Dave Steadman, in honor of Ann and Knight Kiplinger

Ann M. and Knight A. Kiplinger

David A. Klaus

Sachiko Kuno

The Meredith Foundation

John Shakow and Mary Richards

Gold Baton

Thomas Augustin

Thayer and Kevin Baine

Don and Carol Borut

Coalition for African Americans for the Arts

The Dallas Morse Coors Foundation for the Performing Arts

Jeri Darling

C. Maury Devine

Events DC

Ben Gitterman

Catherine E. Law

Barbara and Richard McMillan

Dianne and Frank Peterson

John Sadler

Sam Zhao

Silver Baton

Smith Brittingham and Brenda Huneycutt

Peter C.R. Clunie

Taylor Cortright, in memory of Elizabeth Anne Cortright

Bradley Cullen

Carol A. Farris

Shannon Finney and James Totten

Catherine French

Douglas P. Grove

Brian Hill

Jill S. Kale

Joanne M. Kelly

Harold and Mimi Kuester

Paul Lee and Trey Davis

Michael and Lillian Mason

Lisa McLane

Michael A. and Melissa D. Morris

Kara and Gerald Morrissey

Eugene Rogers and Mark Wallis

Patricia and Alexander Shakow, in honor of John Shakow

Griha Singla and Matthew Farley

Krista Kasten and Alan Taffel

Andrew Teie

Bronze Baton


Robert N. Alfandre Foundation

Jeremy Arensdorf

Linda and Jim Beers

Alison Combes and Craig Bowman

David Cook and Ann Thompson Cook

Toby Crystal, in memory of Lester Crystal

Jeff and Pat Dauler

Geoff and Denise Eaton

John K. Hoskinson and Ana I. Fábregas

Carolyn Fowler

Andrew and Janet Gallant

Patrick W. and Sheila Proby Gross

Nicole Alfandre Halbreiner

HMF Beaudoin Family Foundation

Rylan and Carl Hutzler, in memory of Valorie Winslow

Amelia Kelly

Molly C. Lynch

Barbara and Robert Marchbank

Katie and Chris Niehaus

Christopher Nolan

Kathy Peery and John Turner

Lloyd and Claudia Randolph

Gwen Richards Ford

George and Jeanne Romilly

Anthony and Peter Salvi-Exner

Shulman Rogers

Ra Sylver

Benjamin and Emily Tsai

John and Theresa Wallingford

Stan and April Yantis, in memory of Stanley & Ruth Yantis and Melvin & Sonia Preedy

Cantata Level

Roberta Haines and Michael Acocella

Jennifer and David Adams

Alex Baker

Stephen Beaudoin

Mary Chopard

Yumiko DeCarli

Patrice Forbes & Family, in memory of Dorothy Earnestine Jones

Christie Garton

Brian S. Gaston

Paul Ignatius, in memory of Nancy Weiser Ignatius

Leikny Johnson

William R. and Mary Ann Kincaid

Frederica Kushner

Deloris A. Law, in honor of Catherine Law

James Leathers

Emma and Patrick Moores

Amy Claire Smith

Geoffrey Steadman and Danielle Maddon, in honor of Daphne Kiplinger and David Steadman

Sunny Sumter

Richard and Jeanie Teare

Dr. and Mrs. Sherman Telis, in honor of Catherine French

Betsey and David Todd

Mark and Sandy Troutman

Kimberly Knight Wayland, Kelly Knight Prior, Kerry Knight Tanis, and Kristy Knight Turner, in honor of Kirby Knight

William Truitt and Philip Vaughn

Christine Wahlquist

Stephen and Margaret Woods

Oratorio Level


Kira Austin and Steve Dumaine, in memory of Irene Jurbala-Austin

Sharon K. Bailey

Susanne Baker

Monica H. Berger

Bob and Michele Bonistalli

Phylicia Bowman

Dana K. Boyle

Maria Brindlmayer and Arthur Paterson

Latricia Brown

Amie Cahill

Deepa Datta

Catherine Dehoney and Bill Hill

John Driscoll

Cathy Ford

Janice Graham

Dan and Jan Gross

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Hartung

Hoffman & Associates

Sandra A. Hoffmann

Jeanine Jackson, in honor of Lois Cecsarini

The Jennings and Denny Family

James Jorling and Kathleen Kirchner

Jane and Bruce Keil, in honor of Alexandra Desaulniers

Nicholas Kelly

Robert and Dee Leggett

Jim Lovelace and Kathleen Corrigan, in honor of Patrick Lovelace

Sandi M. Macdonald, in honor of Cathy French

Seema and Yogesh Maheshiwari

Ted and Carolyn Miller

Sarah A. Morgan

Teresa Paterson

Mark W. Rebstock

William and Connie Reynolds

Anne Robertson

Christina H. Schoux

Stanley Spracker

Scott and Susan Sumner

Nancy Thompson

Pat Thompson

Ann Clarkson Turpin, in honor of Alison Cooper

Richard Wolf

Aria Level


The Rev. Joseph and The Rev. Patricia Alexander

Kristin Batstone, in honor of Kara Morrissey

Barb Baumann and Mike Conrad

Nicholas Benson, in memory of Susan Benson

Jenny Bilfield and Joel Phillip Friedman

Kristen Blackman

Lisa Chensvold, in memory of Richard Rischar

Marie Colturi

Alison Cooper

Jonathan and Kelly Discount

Joyce Garrett

Elizabeth Gemoets

Joseph Hawes and Ann Goldman

Wendy Elcome Harris, in memory of Bill Elcome

Kyle Heatwole, in honor of Kelly Heatwole

Cliftine Jones

Jerry and Susie Kavinski

Conor Kelly

Nancy Ortmeyer Kuhn

Ruth A. Kurzbauer, in memory of Dr. Louis Reith

Laurie Lane

Ernest and Esther Mitchell

Anne and Tim Murphy

Leif Neve

Robin L. Perry

Thomas Popovich

Gail Pritchard

Leigh Anna and Fritz Reichenbach

Vera Ruth Reublinger, in memory of Carol Coombe

Jared I. Roberts, in memory of Katherine S. Roberts

The Rogers-Noe family

Bernard Rupe

Margaret Snowdon

Sara and Chris Solem, in honor of Elizabeth Solem

Ron and Jan Stanley

Barry Subelsky

Jennifer L. Taylor

Michael and Kathy Thompson

Madeline Twomey

Richard Vanni

Maria Voultsides and Tom Chisnell

Prelude Level


Anonymous, in honor of Mrs. Pauline Hill

Anonymous, in honor of Wesley Fields

Olugbenga Abiona

Mike Adam

David R. Adams

Daniel and Rebecca Aldridge


Robert Andreev

Andrew Rose

Emily Baranski

Julie Bazuzi

David Briggs and John Benton

Lynne Stein Benzion

Tyler Best

Celeste and Raymond Biagini

Aidan Black

Leiv Blad

George Botic

Jason Bradley

John Bravacos

Marta Brenden

David Brink

Mary Beth Brown

William Bryant Claiborne

Gita and Mark Budd

Margaret Burke

Maura D. Calsyn

Alexander Carré

Cheryl Carson

Alice Cecsarini, in honor of Lois Cecsarini

Mr. Bartek Chwalek

Suzanne Clewell

Gregory Coble

Sharon Cook

Trevor Cook

Dr. Elizabeth Cooper-Martin

John Corrigan

Laura Coughlan

Thomassena and Alex Cox

Rev. Adele Crawford, in memory of Gerald S. and Candace R. Crawford

Marie Dohrmann, in honor of Mary Lyle Dohrmann

Mary S. Downey

Ryan Dring

Donnetta Duncan

Amy and Steve Duncan

Sheri Closson Economou

Margery C. Edmundson

Joshua Edwards

Niels and Bente Eegholm

Joan Etbauer

Edwin and Karen Ezrine

Heather and Richard Ossoff, in honor of Sen. Jon Ossoff

Mr. Ron French and Ms. Elaine Squeri

Karen Gard

Molly Gaston

Victoria Gilner

Laura Gross

Lisa Harter

Barbara S. Harvey

Kristin Hayes, in memory of Preston Hayes

Christine Hegarty, in honor of Suzy Hull King

Joyce Herner

Hal Herrick

Elizabeth Hosinski

Patricia Howie, in honor of Kelly Heatwole

Anita Huffman

Arthur Hughes

Kathy and Jeff Jacobson, in honor of Kirsten Jacobson

Michael A. Jeansonne

Wayne Jenkins

John Juskie

Isabelle Keita

Theresa Kerg, in honor of Griha Singla

Robin Kesselman

Suzanne King

Elmer Klumpp

Kirby Knight

Patricia Kristof Moy, in honor of Nicholas Moy

Stacy Krogh

Laura Laemmle-Weidenfeld

Heather Lanasa

Mr. and Mrs. Le Bouder

Carl Leighty

Frank Lemoine

Marie Lerch

Carlisle Levine

Carol Ann Linder

Jeff and Sue Lippert, in honor of Jordan Lippert

Edra London

John Lucas

Eleanor Lynch

Richard Manrow

Gerald Maready

Halcyon Mathis

Beth McDonald

Margaret McKelvey, in honor of Lois Cecsarini

Jo McLean

Courtney and Ray Solenberger-McNeill

Robert Baker

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mihalec

L. Miller

Margaret I. Miller

Nick Moy

Cynthia Murphy, in honor of Tim and Anne Murphy

John Murphy

Bailey Myers

Marie Newman

JJ Norman

Paul O'Brien

Clancy Cleon Olson, in memory of Esther G. Harjung

Diana and Tim Orphanides

Ruth Palmer & Lorelee Wederstrom, in honor of all choral singers

Paulette C. Pidcock

Marcy Porter, in honor of Emma Moores

Karen D. Rappaport

Anne Reece

Allison Reed

Ms. Nancy Rhyne

Larry Robertson

Alison Taylor Rosenblum

Helen Rothman

Paul Rubio

Sheila Ryan

Eddie Sanders

Cynthia Schell

Gail Sheldon

Steven Shriver

Cathy Sledz

Enid Smith

Brian Solem and Cornell Bar, in honor of Elizabeth Solem

Richard and Janet Southby

Connie Soves

Martha Stancill

Deborah and Seth Sternberg

Martha Strickland

Ingegjerd Subelsky, in honor of Leikny Johnson

Patrice and Terry Sullivan, in honor of Eugene Rogers

Roger and Marguerite Sullivan

Helene Sussman

Alun Thomas

Janice L. Urbanik

Sarah Wagoner Moore

Dan Walker

Thomas and Laurie Wallin, in memory of Kathleen Anne Romba, Esq.

Barry and Rebecca Wareham

Kristi Webb

Margaret Weekes

Jennie Weyman

Luke Wilson

Ms. Lucila Woodard

Anne and Thomas Wotring

Megan Yingst

Yvonnada McNeil

Jan Zimmeck



Gordon Bjoraker

Yoma Carter-Russell

Allison Colangelo

Douglas Dunlop

Casey Garvey

Isabel Gross

Mark Guilfoil

Linda Henry

Anne Hopengarten Mooreville

Antoinette Hull

Lucy Kiekebusch-Steinitz

Ms. Jessica Lichtenfeld and Dr. Kelly P. Nelson

Edward London

Noreen Maloney

Matthew McCartney Waggle

Christina Morgan

Christina Polyak

Ashley Quatrale

Rhonda Richards

Jessica Ritsick

Natalia Sacha

Haley Schultheis

Beth Smith

George Spiro Levantis

Hannah Stevenson

Isaiah Thomas

Keith Thompson

Bryan Vorndran

Ryan Wails

Donor Key:

Millennium Baton $25,000+

Platinum Baton $10,000–$24,999

Gold Baton $5,000–$9,999

Silver Baton $2,500–$4,999

Bronze Baton $1,000–$2,499

Cantata Level $500–$999

Oratorio Level $250–$499

Aria Level $150–$249

Prelude Level $25–$149

Friend Level $1-$24